Unlock the Porsche 9Y0 915 105 battery (does not charge, on terminals 0) Problem solved!
In premium vehicles like the Porsche Cayenne E3, Audi Q8, and Lamborghini Urus, «smart» LiFePO4 batteries are installed, equipped with an integrated management system. This system automatically sends a signal to a built-in relay to disconnect the contacts if the battery is discharged or if there is the slightest malfunction, resulting in a completely dead battery that cannot be recharged, no matter what you do. The cost of these batteries can be quite shocking, even for premium car owners. I often receive LiFePO4 batteries from a Lamborghini Urus at my auto service shop with a request to remove the lock from model 9Y0 915 105, where the terminals show no voltage, and which have been unsuccessfully attempted to be charged by various methods. After reprogramming, it turns out that the batteries are fully charged, and the cause of the lock is unknown. I also receive batteries from the Porsche Cayenne E3 that become locked when the voltage drops below 9 volts. Reprogramming brings them back to life and allows them to accept a normal charge, saving the owners a considerable amount of money, and these batteries continue to work flawlessly in the vehicles. The manufacturer of these batteries, LG, has taken care of their clients by making the batteries non-disassemblable, which complicates access to the internal management system and locking relay. However, there is a solution with minimal investment and a 100% success rate to restore the 9Y0 915 105 battery to proper working condition. Although opening the battery is challenging, it is possible without damaging the case. Some people resort to using a grinder, but this is destructive and not my method. I have learned how to carefully open these batteries, which takes more time but results in a much better outcome.
When you open the cover of the LG 9Y0 915 105 battery, you see the same control board with an SPC5644B microcontroller and a blocking relay that opens the contacts.
Only by modifying the microcontroller’s firmware can we unlock the relay and bring the battery back to life. After removing the control board from the battery, I connect to it with a specialized programmer, read the firmware, make the necessary adjustments, and then reflash it back into the microcontroller.
After reinstalling the control board into the battery, the battery is once again ready for operation. All that’s left is to secure the cover back in place, charge it if necessary, and reinstall the battery into the vehicle. So, if you are the proud owner of this type of battery and there is no voltage at the terminals, and it won’t charge, don’t worry. Just give me a call or send me a message on WhatsApp, and we’ll solve the problem, regardless of your location (my nickname doubles as my contact number). In practice, I’ve received batteries from other regions via DHL, as the battery itself isn’t very heavy. Customers have also sent just the control board, and after unlocking it, they received a fully functional board or a completely restored and unlocked 9Y0 915 105 battery.
Spain Alicante Valencia